People are the heart of everything we do at Unwind. So it’s important to us that our owners and guests know the people behind our team.
From time to time, we will introduce you to the incredible folks who make Unwind work for you. You’ll love getting to know our highly talented team and having a face to go with the names with which you interact.
Today, we’re spotlighting Lara Lauterbach, Unwind’s Property Manager covering Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri.
What is your name?
Lara Lauterbach
In what city do you currently live?
Searcy, AR
Tell us about your family (including pets, obviously):
Husband-Travis, Daughter-Collins(7), Sons-Cade(5) and Luke(3)
Pets- dog: Duke, cats: Skittles, Mimsy, Bruno
What is your educational background?
I earned an undergraduate degree in middle level education and a Masters degree in Professional Counseling.
Describe one of your favorite childhood memories.
My family grew up at Camp Tahkodah. My parents were staff at the sessions and me and my
brother tagged along with them until we were old enough to be campers. The director of camp
would let my family go stay at Camp on breaks, like fall break and thanksgiving/christmas break.
We would go on hikes and ride horses and I remember all of the pretty fall trees. I loved sitting
around the campfire and singing and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows with my parents and
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
I love to just be with my family! We enjoy fishing, hiking, and riding our ATV around our land. I
also love a good cup of coffee with my friends at our favorite local spot, Midnight Oil.
What was the last really good movie you saw?
The Martian. It’s not new but I caught it on tv one night and loved it. Incredible cast! Also,
Barbie. Can I admit that haha? There, I said it.
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
GREECE! I’m a sucker for picturesque views. I can appreciate beautiful architecture and history
as well. I’ve been to the mountains and the beach, I want to see those crystal blue waters! Also,
the Bible ties to Greece are a very appealing reason to go.
What is a core value that guides your life? Why is it important to you?
Integrity. I want to be the same person in whatever setting I’m in, with whatever group of people
I’m around. I want it to be said of me that I conduct myself the same way when I’m alone as
when I’m seen by others. It’s important to me to be true to myself and to the God of my life.
What is one of your favorite things about being part of the Unwind team?
This one is easy, THE PEOPLE! It’s incredibly fulfilling to be in a work environment where we
value each other, respect those we partner with, take responsibility, work creatively
together, laugh, and give our best efforts.
What happens when you do your job well?
When I do my job well, it sets a tone, it has a major ripple effect. Things run smoothly with
cleaner and third party communication. Guests feel heard and appreciated and walk away
saying that was a great experience. Co-workers can depend on me to do my part and know that
I’ll help them do theirs. Owners can be free of stress knowing their homes are in good hands.
In your opinion, what sets Unwind apart from other vacation property management firms?
The personal connection. I don’t just mean an actual person to talk to on the other end (this is
also a cool thing about us, though). I’m talking about a commitment on our end to personally
ensure that owners and guests alike are receiving the best experience that they can. We are
transparent, we are honest, we are dependable, we listen, we are resourceful, we are kind, we
give 110%. We genuinely care about the people that we are dealing with, whether its guest
experience or owner partnerships and it’s not just about the bottom line.
Anything else you’d like to add about being part of the Unwind team?
One of my favorite things about our team is that we all know each other and are friends. From
the top to the bottom of our company, we all give say to the details of this business and share
input on how we can improve. All of our roles are deemed important and are respected. Our
owner and CEO enjoys having a creative say in the details of designing a home. The boss isn’t
always involved like that and I think that’s really cool!